Mad Covid Launches COVID-19 Recommendations for Mental Health Services

Mad Covid have created a series of broad recommendations for mental health services during the COVID-19 pandemic.  They focus specifically on services for people with pre-existing mental health conditions who have moderate, severe or long-term needs.  

Read the recommendations in full here.

You can use the #MadCovidRecommends to discuss the recommendations on social media.

Our recommendations derive primarily from the Mad Covid Symposium, held on the 28th of October 2020.  You can watch the Symposium here and can read a blog reporting on the event here. We have additionally drawn on the personal testimonies provided to Mad Covid since mid March 2020, which derive from our multiple projects, through which we’ve engaged with hundreds of people with lived experience.

We have also prepared a short video of the recommendations, which is also shareable from our YouTube Channel.

Read the recommendations in full here.

Use the #MadCovidRecommends to discuss the recommendations on social media.

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